Our Lady of Medjugorje has appeared to six visionaries since 1981, telling us God exists, and that we need to return to a life of prayer. She has told them these will be her last apparitions on Earth.

This blog is here to help you live a the full, holy, and enriching life Our Lady says God wants us to live, by providing you with reviews of books related to the apparitions and messages.


Sunday, November 4, 2007

Ivan Dragicevic in Medway, Massachusetts - 11/03/07

From someone who was present for Ivan Dragicevic's Saturday apparition:

"There was an apparition to Ivan. The message, he shared, is a private conversation. He did say that Our Lady appeared and prayed over all the people who were present. She and Ivan prayed together in praise of God.

In Ivan's talk he stressed the importance of not just hearing the messages of Our Lady but of making a commitment ot live them in our daily lives. If there was two words that he stressed they were, "Peace" and "Pray." We are to be people who live peace in our families and with every person. We are to be people who pray, seeking to turn our entire day into prayer."

In the Peace of Christ,
David Thorp
Assistant Director
Spiritual Life Center of Marian Community

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