Our Lady of Medjugorje has appeared to six visionaries since 1981, telling us God exists, and that we need to return to a life of prayer. She has told them these will be her last apparitions on Earth.

This blog is here to help you live a the full, holy, and enriching life Our Lady says God wants us to live, by providing you with reviews of books related to the apparitions and messages.


Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday - The Passion of the Christ

Hello, everyone.

I've kept a tradition for the past few years of watching The Passion of the Christ every Good Friday, and this year I purchased a copy (I had been renting but it was becoming too difficult to find a local video store which had a copy in stock).

I'm assuming most of you have seen the movie already, but highly recommend watching it if you haven't. I think it's the best religious-themed movie ever created. It's powerful and really drives home what Jesus went through to establish a new covenant between us and God.

Call your local video store and ask if they have it in stock or purchase a copy at Amazon.com.


Erik Haan
Medjugorje Book Reviews

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